Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rajasthani old man(WIP)

softwares used- zbrush
did this sculpt to understand the complexities and minor details in a human face. yet to finish it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

next gen gun(low poly)- final render

softwares used-
3ds max for modeling and rendering
photoshop for texturing

Superbike(low poly )- final render

softwares used-
3ds max for modeling and rendering
photoshop for texturing

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ryuk (shinigami)

Ryuk Shinigami

Ryuk belt
Ryuk is a character from death note anime which is also one of my favorite. This was the second model i did after shotgun. i have polypainted this model. i had a lot of trouble understanding the work flow between max and zbrush while modeling it but also had a great learning experience as well.

Lotus Elise

This is the car model that i created for my work. Initially i was planning to create bugatti but there were too many models of it on the net and in fact there was a paid tutorial as well. so i wanted to create some unique model. i decided to create Elise coz it was my favorite car in nfsmw lan competitions:) and its looks are also fascinating. Creating this model really took a toll on me but at the same time i got to learn a lot of  good stuff about hard surface modeling as well. hope you like it.

Scrat oO

I guess everyone knows this character and if anyone doesnt its a character from ice age animated movie. i just adore his cute looks and funny styles. Posing this character was a bit of challenge to me and i wonder if i still got it correct. i didnt create the actual fur coz that would have asked for a lot of polygons and i dont think my system would have handled it so i created the details in zbrush.

xbox controller

This is the xbox controller i made. I didnt use any reference image for it, the entire model was done eyeballing the real one i own :), its a pc controller that i have. Also i havn't made any special efforts in texturing, its basically a showcase of my modeling work. it was a lot of fun creating it.

Lupara shotgun

Hi everyone, this was the first 3d model that i created in max. some details on the sides have been added using zbrush. its a bit simple model since i created it when i was in initial learning days. i really liked the wood material coz it gave the shotgun a royal and antique look.
softwares used-3ds max, zbrush